Miharu is a mischievous boy who unknowingly possesses a powerful technique known as hijutsu – a skill that many ninja clans desire to become the ruler of the ninja world. One day, Miharu’s classmate Kouichi and English teacher, Kumohira, start a new club called “Way of the Ninja.” They both try to persuade Miharu to join the club, but he keeps rejecting them. Unbeknownst to him, both Kouichi and Kumihora are Banten clan ninja. After numerous ninja attacks, Miharu has no choice but to join their club as a means of survival.īit by bit, Miharu comes to understand the powerful technique that he possesses, and for him to survive these attacks, he has to become the ruler of Nabari.Īlthough the premise of Nabari No Ou is Miharu’s hidden technique, it also focuses on bisexual and homosexual relationships between the characters. Wandering Sonis one of the highest-rated LGBTQ anime around. The series follows Shuichi, a shy preteen boy who transfers to a new school.